Data Protection Policy

Privacy statement

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural, living, person. An individual’s personal data is protected by the Data Protection Act 2018 incorporating, from 25 May 2018, both the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2016 (PECR). Tintinhull Local History Group (TLHG) is committed to upholding these regulations and the principles of good practice set out in them.

To comply, THLG is now required to ask for the explicit consent of everyone whose personal information is held on the THLG database to use this data and to issue a Privacy Statement. Explicit consent to hold personal data will now be sought through the Membership application form which needs to be completed by new Members. Existing Members will have expressed their consent either by completing a new Membership form on renewal, or have signed a consent form.

Data Controller

The Membership Secretary of TLHG acts as the Controller of Members’ personal data.

The data held by THLG and how it is used

The THLG has a database of Members and their contact details: names, postal addresses, phone numbers, email addresses (where applicable) and subscription status. On becoming a Member by paying an annual subscription the THLG will request this information from you. The data is used and updated by the THLG’s Memebrship Secretary and Treasurer to keep a record of Membership, tracking annual subscriptions and to allow for communication with Members. Without this information we could not easily function as an active Membership organisation. In addition to this we may keep a list of volunteers, or people who have expressed an interest in volunteering whether they are Members or not to assist with projects run by the Group.

The information on this database is never shared with third parties. Occasionally the TLHG will mail out publicity on behalf of other organisations, such as other local history societies or museums, about events or activities that are considered to have an appeal and relevance to the aims of the Group.

Data on Members will be reviewed every year when annual subscriptions are processed. If Members do not renew their annual subscription and their Membership lapses, their contact details will be deleted from the database after 12 weeks. The THLG will endeavour to keep all information accurate, but is reliant on Members to advise on any changes in contact details after initial registration.


Under GDPR every individual on our database has various rights, including:

  • A right to be informed of how data is collected and used – see the above statement on these two matters
  • The right to access – you can request to see what information we hold on you
  • The right to restrict use – you may not want to be included in mail outs to Members (see below) other than notice of the AGM or EGMs
  • Right to accuracy of information – we will update or rectify any inaccurate details about you, e.g. wrong address, misspelt name, etc.
  • Right to have all information about you removed – once you cease to be a Member

THLG Messages

From time to time the Membership Secretary, the Treasurer or other Members of the THLG committee will need to communicate with the Membership, for the following reasons:

  • To inform the Membership of upcoming annual general meeting or extraordinary general meetings
  • To keep Members informed of THLG events, such as upcoming talks and visits organised by the Group.
  • To inform Members of events and activities pertaining to the history and life in our area of interest to Members which are organised by other bodies, such as neighbouring local history societies.
  • To become a Member of THLG, a person will have completed an application/consent form that confirms their agreement to this policy.

Further Information

For further information or questions about THLG’s GDPR policy, please contact the Membership Secretary or Treasurer – this can be done via the Contact Us page.