What we do

The Group was founded in 2005. It obtained a £25,000 Heritage Lottery grant which
enabled the purchase of IT and other equipment plus specialist advice & services. All of this contributed to TLHG’s early success: “You don’t know how far you have progressed!” Mick Aston (Time Team), 2013.

The Group not only has a social side but researches different aspects of our parish history.  Co-founded ca 2005 by Ed Lorch & Denny Robbins. Ed was Chair for 15 years; he obtained the £25,000 Heritage Lottery Grant which gave TLHG a very solid foundation.

The ‘tools’ we use with some outcomes of our efforts are listed below:-

Documents:- Victoria County History (VCH), Vol. III, 1974.
Domesday Records, 1086, & Dr Frank Thorn’s eBook (2022)
Church Wardens Records, 1432 – 1678
Manorial & Court Rolls
Deeds including those at Exeter College, Oxford.
South West Heritage Centre – Somerset Record Office or Somerset Historic Environment Record
Old postcards, photographs & film.
field walking
test pit digging
aerial photography & Lidar
Use of Maps: -1839 Tithe Map with  apportionment & field names.
John & Edward Napper Estate Maps, late 18th C
Ordnance Survey Maps.
Building Surveys:- some Somerset Vernacular Building Research Group house surveys.
Church Fabric Survey by Jerry Samson.
Oral History:- we have a couple of dozen memories recorded & plan to focus on this again in 2022.
Out-reach education:- website, a new one is presently being created.
Publications:- ‘Presence of the Past’ based on the Victoria County History as the ‘spine’ and TLHG research accomplished pre 2010.
Presentations, involving our research, to other Groups.
In house social evenings with lectures and discussions:- monthly (Sept – April), 7.30pm, 4th Wednesday of the month in the Village Hall. The topics are Tintinhull specific or general history.
During the summer some visits are arranged.
There is a monthly newsletter ( A4 x 8 pages) which is emailed to members

Interested / want to know more? Contact denny.24r@gmail.com